Thursday, May 14, 2009

the start

Okay, so I figured I'd start a journal. That way you can all know exactly how weird I am. Which is kind of hard to understand until you really get inside my moldy brain and poke around at all the dust bunnies in there, so....yeah. Journal.

I have common sense issues. Sometimes I do the oddest things and don't realize how dumb I've been until I've already broken something, ruined something, or killed something. Usually the latter doesn't apply, except for the time that I ran over a mouse with the lawn mower (or maybe most of the time I'm just absent minded).

I’ve come to realize after the past couple of weeks that I need to begin getting back to basics. I’ve buried myself too deeply into work and I’m losing touch with my family, friends, pets, books and myself. This is a vicious cycle I put myself through every once in a while. My mind begins to overflow with possibilities, forgetting the time and effort that is required to make them a reality… and after a while I begin to feel like Bilbo, like butter scraped over too much bread.

I need to force myself to stop and look at what I’m doing, to focus on where I need to be, to see again why I enjoy doing what I do and how to keep enjoying it.

Perhaps looking in at my life from the outside will open up my eyes…
I haven’t created anything in a long time and it will be really nice to just cut loose…

A very happy New Year to everyone.


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